Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The first international organization that I chose is the Association for Childhood Education International.  This organization’s mission is “To promote and support the optimal education, development, and well-being of children worldwide”.  I was drawn to this organization because they are committed to ensuring quality education to all children in order for them to become responsible and engaged citizens.  I believe that it is not always about academics, but also about social skills and self worth.  Every child deserves to be valued for who they are.

That brings up my next international organization.  The World Forum Foundation’s mission is “To promote an on-going global exchange of ideas on the delivery of quality services for young children in diverse settings”.  They really focus on supporting positive relationships and valuing each child’s differences.  In order to show a child that he is valued, a relationship has to be built.

Embracing Differences.jpg

The final organization that I chose is the Global Partnership for Education.  Their organization wants to make it possible for all children, including the poorest and most marginalized, to receive quality education.  They help developing countries develop a plan for education.  This organization had several job opening.  One in particular that I found interesting was the Short Term Consultant: Survey Development Specialist for the Results and Performance Unit.  The job includes creating surveys, gathering information, monitoring, and consolidating data.  Qualifications include five years experience in survey development and implementation, a Master’s Degree or higher in education, and the ability to work under tight deadlines.  Although I find this opportunity intriguing, I have no experience with survey development.  I would have to work on small, local research and continue to work up in order to take on such a large task.

6 thoughts on “Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

  1. Marijean, I think you make a great point when you talk about the social aspect of learning and it’s importance. We are teaching children how to become adults and interact with each other during early childhood as well other academic areas. The organizations you shared seem very important. The jobs you listed also sound interesting. Thank you for sharing those organizations!


    1. Dear Marijean,
      I have not delved into these organizations. They all sound like wonderful organizations. I am also happy to read the part in your post about social emotional skills. It is good to know that this domain is being discussed when talking about educating children worldwide. It is so exciting to think that there are so many roles and possibilities for us as we are about to reach our goal and get our degree. It was not too long ago that we could not envision ourselves beyond local endeavors. We can know see ourselves involved in organizations nationally and even internationally. Best of luck as you move forward.


  2. Marijean,
    The Association for Childhood Education International sounds like a great organization! I agree that every child needs to be valued for who they are, because it is so important for their well-being. I feel like so many children today feel ashamed of their differences due to societal pressure to look a certain way. However, they should be their own person and not let society choose their identities. Great post!


  3. Marijean,
    I have not looked into these organizations but it sounds like they do good work throughout the world. I also love the part you mention about social and emotional importance and becoming more of the conversation when discussing educating children. It is so exciting to be able to think that we may some day fill roles in the field of early childhood on a local, national and now international level. With our degree, all new possibilities are open to us. It is also important to consider joining early childhood organizations locally and nationally in order to move into areas of leadership in the field. Best of luck as you move forward.


  4. Dear Marijean,
    I have not delved into these organizations. They all sound like wonderful organizations. I am also happy to read the part in your post about social emotional skills. It is good to know that this domain is being discussed when talking about educating children worldwide. It is so exciting to think that there are so many roles and possibilities for us as we are about to reach our goal and get our degree. It was not too long ago that we could not envision ourselves beyond local endeavors. We can know see ourselves involved in organizations nationally and even internationally. Best of luck as you move forward.


  5. Marijean,

    Thank you for sharing this great information with us. I also chose the Association for Childhood Education International as one of my organizations. I was so drawn to the fact that they cater to making equality education for ALL children. It is essential to have organizations like this across the world because so many of our children are being left behind because of lack of resources and etc. Organizations like this make it possible for all children to be on the same playing field when it comes to being successful in life.

    Once again, thank you for sharing this post. This has been an amazing journey. I enjoyed reading your post and feedback. Thanks for all of your wonderful insight. Good luck on your future endeavors.


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